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Sopa de elote

Sopa de elote


Sopa de Elote, or Corn Soup, is a traditional Mexican dish that is both comforting and delicious. This creamy soup highlights the natural sweetness of corn, combined with the richness of milk and cream, and is perfect for a cozy meal. It’s easy to prepare and makes a wonderful starter or a light main course


Modo de preparación

Paso 1: Preparar los Ingredientes
If using fresh corn, start by carefully cutting the kernels off the cobs. If using canned or frozen corn, drain or thaw as necessary. Chop the onion and mince the garlic, setting them aside for cooking.

Paso 2: Cocinar la Base
In a large pot, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and minced garlic, and sauté until the onion becomes translucent and soft, about 5 minutes. The garlic should be fragrant but not browned.

Paso 3: Cocinar el Maíz
Add the corn kernels to the pot with the onion and garlic. Stir to combine and cook for another 5 minutes, allowing the corn to slightly caramelize and develop more flavor. Sprinkle in the ground cumin, salt, and pepper, stirring well to coat the corn evenly with the spices.

Paso 4: Agregar el Caldo
Pour in the chicken or vegetable broth, stirring to combine. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and let it simmer for about 15-20 minutes. This simmering time allows the flavors to meld together and the corn to become tender.

Paso 5: Mezclar la Sopa
After simmering, use an immersion blender to puree the soup until smooth and creamy. If you prefer a chunkier texture, you can blend only half of the soup and leave the rest as is. If you don’t have an immersion blender, carefully transfer the soup in batches to a regular blender and blend until smooth.

Paso 6: Agregar la Leche y la Crema
Return the blended soup to the pot (if using a regular blender). Stir in the milk and heavy cream, mixing until the soup is smooth and creamy. Let the soup simmer for an additional 5 minutes to heat through, but do not let it boil.

Paso 7: Servir la Sopa
Taste the soup and adjust the seasoning with more salt and pepper if needed. Serve the Sopa de Elote hot, garnished with fresh chopped cilantro and a squeeze of lime juice if desired. This soup is delicious on its own, but it also pairs well with warm tortillas or crusty bread

Consejos y Conclusión

Consejos Adicionales
Añadir Chile: Para un toque picante, agrega chiles jalapeños picados o un poco de chile en polvo a la sopa mientras se cocina.
Versión Vegana: Puedes hacer una versión vegana de esta sopa utilizando caldo de vegetales y leche de coco o leche de almendras en lugar de la leche y crema regular.
Textura Variada: Si prefieres una sopa con más textura, reserva una parte de los granos de elote antes de licuar y agrégala de nuevo a la sopa al final.
Acompañamientos: Sirve la sopa con trozos de aguacate, queso fresco desmenuzado, o incluso con un poco de crema agria para enriquecer aún más el sabor.
La Sopa de Elote es una receta reconfortante que celebra la dulzura natural del maíz. Su textura cremosa y su sabor suave la convierten en una opción perfecta para cualquier ocasión, ya sea como plato principal o como entrada. Con ingredientes sencillos y un proceso de cocción fácil, esta sopa te permitirá disfrutar de un pedacito de México en la comodidad de tu hogar. ¡Sirve esta sopa caliente y disfruta de su sabor delicioso y cremoso!

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